Yash Aprameya/MiC.

there’s something special

about those middle moments.

like sitting in the passenger seat,

on a sunny day,

bollywood melodies sung by the radio,

the wind whistling its harmony

as I turn the pages of a book

where the protagonist

falls to his knees in the drizzling 

streets of new york city.

and for a brief moment in time,

you shift your gaze from its words

only, you haven’t quite realized

the raindrops collecting on your window.

or in a bustling café,

your eyes meet with a friendly face,

but in that fraction of a second,

you don’t recognize each other.

and in that middle moment,

you’re just two strangers,

locked into a staring contest.

MiC Digital Media Chair Yash Aprameya can be reached at yashas@umich.edu.